Shoots Page
General Searching
- this lists all shoots ever run using the MCMS system
- the default view is he currently "In Progress" shoots
- to view upcoming shoots or completed shoots change the "In Progress" filter to "Scheduled" or "Completed"
- when in the "Completed" view the app only shows shoots from the past month by default (to save memory and improve performance), to see older sheets scroll to the bottom and click "Load More"
- to see all shoots available to self-nominate into click on the red "$ Self" filter
- to view only shoots by particular organisations (eg FGA or ACTA) click on the "All Orgs" filter and select the organisation's shoots you want to see
- to view only shoots within a particular state (eg VIC or QLD) click on the "All States" filter and select the state's shoots you want to see
- to find a particular shoot by name (club name or shoot name) click on the search icon and type in the resulting search box
Searching by Favourite Club
- click on the "Clubs" icon after accessing the app
- click in the search box at the top of the page and type in the name of the club you want to "favourite"
- when it appears click on the star to the right of the club's name (you can star as many as you wish)
- click on the "Shoots" icon at the bottom on the page
- to view your "Favourites" click on "All Clubs" and choose which club you want to filter to
- whilst on the clubs page you can click on the club name to view contact and location information for that club
Viewing a Shoot
- click on the shoot you want to view to open it
How to Navigate within a Selected Shoot
"Summary" Tab
- will list the events being shot within the program
- for me details on the event click on the down arrow to the right of the shoot name
"Squads" Tab
- will list all shooters and their scores for a particular event
- shooters will be displayed by squad
- remember to "pull down to refresh" to display any newly entered scores
"Scores" Tab
- will list all shooters and their scores for a particular event
- shooters are displayed in order with the highest score at the top
- to filter the list of shooters by grade or category click on the white "OPEN" icon and select the filter you want ("open" will display all shooters)
- please note the shooters will only appear once scores are entered so if you are in an "in progress shoot" remember to "pull down to refresh" to display any newly entered scores
"Shooters" Tab
- will list all shooters, you can search for someone by typing their name in the search box at the top
- clicking on a shooter's name will display their squads and scores for the program
- remember to "pull down to refresh" to display any newly nominated shooters scores
"Shooter Details"
- anywhere within an app that you see a shooter's name you can click on it to display all their details for the program
- this includes their grade and category, their squads, their event scores and their shoot-off scores
A YouTube explanatory video is available here (NB the settings may need to be changed to 1080p in YouTube Player).